Jackson High graduate and comic book author Chad Lambert returns to Jackson for a book signing at the Markay.

Jackson High graduate and comic book author Chad Lambert returns to Jackson for a book signing at the Markay.

A Writer’s Guild meets the fourth Monday of each month at 7 p.m. in the Southern Hills Arts Council’s Meeting Room. Just come through the door at 271 East Main Street, the entrance just to the left of the main Markay entrance. There is no fee to participate. Everyone is welcome.

The group was started as a way for writer’s voices to be heard in Jackson County and surrounding area. Members strive to give hope and encouragement to this often lonely craft. A wonderful group of writers attend. One can never predict who will show up, but writers have been drawn from the following groups – children’s, middle grade, young adult, adult/non fiction, adult/chic lit, adult/fiction, and technical. There are monthly challenges in creative writing. Members offer critiques of challenges or current writing projects.

Marilyn Brokaw Hall during the Markay Book Signing for “The Ring Master’s Secret.”

Marilyn Brokaw Hall during the Markay book signing for “The Ring Master’s Secret.”

For more information about the Writer’s Guild, please contact the Southern Hills Arts Council at 740.286.6355 or info@markayjackson.org.